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Can My Medical Condition Affect My Field Sobriety Test?

Try to imagine this – you’re pulled over on a Charleston or Columbia road after a long day, and the officer asks you to step out of the car for a field sobriety test. Your heart sinks because you know you have a medical condition that could make the test difficult, even though you haven’t…

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What Is a Reckless Vehicular Homicide Charge in South Carolina?

“Reckless vehicular homicide” sounds like something the average, responsible Charleston driver shouldn’t need to worry about, right? Wrong. In fact, anyone who drives a car can find themselves on the wrong end of this criminal charge, regardless of how conscientious or reasonable they act. The fact is, automobiles are dangerous, and it’s common for even…

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Understanding DUI Checkpoints in South Carolina

Driving Under the Influence (DUI) is a serious offense with potentially severe consequences, and law enforcement agencies across South Carolina and the United States employ various strategies to address this issue. One such strategy is the implementation of DUI checkpoints, also known as sobriety checkpoints. These checkpoints are designed to identify and apprehend individuals operating…

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Can Medications Affect a Datamaster Breath Test?

If you are arrested for DUI in South Carolina, under most circumstances, you will be asked by the police to submit to a breath test. Breath test machines (South Carolina uses the Datamaster DMT) can give false positive results or overstate your blood alcohol content. This false result can help bolster the case for the…

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Are DUI Checkpoints Legal in South Carolina?

My practice sees hundreds of clients each year facing DUI charges. For some, these arrests come as a result of being stopped at a DUI checkpoint. Unfortunately, I’ve found that many people are unaware of their constitutional and legal rights at a checkpoint, which can lead to unfair arrests. The short answer to whether or…

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Some Facts about Breath Testing in South Carolina

If you’re pulled over or arrested for suspicion of drunk driving, you may be asked to submit to a breath test, after you are arrested, the Datamaster test is administered at an authorized site after your arrest. The DataMaster DMT is the breath testing machine used in the state of South Carolina, which uses a…

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